Day 232, December 9, 2012 (Leaving Tampa in the morning, weather permitting): Time out for family fun! A week with the crew of 16 during Thanksgiving week and then Hanukkah, a total of three weeks. We hung out at son Judah’s club, Davis Islands Yacht Club, near downtown Tampa but not close enough to do without a rent-a-dent. Kids racing Opti prams greet us along with the flocks of gulls, terns, and pellies in peek guano season.
Captain Joe and Judah along with Alix grate 20 pounds of potatoes and just enough onions to leave an eight-day bouquet. Then, Arlie oficiates at candlelighting.
Sooner or later the fabulous summer-in-winter weather has to give way. The mares tails move in along with a pea soup fog that lasted until midday.